s u n b u r n

Before the sunburn


The sun's UV radiation causes sunburn.

You can protect yourself with sunscreen.

But there are also active ingredients that protect the skin from the inside out.

Ultimately, however, only a preventive measure with a sun protection cream helps.



Sunburn is an acute inflammation of the skin, which can be prevented by taking astaxanthin. The color pigment astaxanthin is stored directly in the skin cells and thus develops a protective, antioxidant effect against the UV rays of the sun.


When the skin is exposed to strong sunlight, free radicals that attack the body multiply.

OPC buffers these free radicals and thus protects against sunburn from the inside.


Prevent sunburn

by staying unprotected in the blazing sun if possible, or only for a short time. You should stay in the shade, especially at noon, when the UV radiation is most intense. Long clothes and a sun hat also offer some protection against sunburn. The latter is also very important for another reason: Too much sunlight on the head can lead to sunstroke with symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and clouding of consciousness.


Slight sunburn, what helps?

Get out of the sun The first aid for sunburn is to walk in the shade. Even if there is hardly any reddening of the skin, but you feel a slight burning or itching on the skin, you should get out of the sun.


Staying in a cool room or taking a cool shower is beneficial for overheated skin. Another thing that helps with sunburn are cool, damp compresses: They too can draw the heat away from the burned areas of skin. You can use water or cooled black tea for the envelopes, for example. A good help against sunburn on the back, shoulders or chest is wearing a wet T-shirt. It also has a cooling effect and can relieve the burning sensation and itching caused by sunburn.


Drink a lot

You can also do something against sunburn from within - with plenty of fluid intake. Because of the burn, the body has an increased need for fluid. Suitable thirst quenchers include water, cool tea or diluted fruit juices.


Creams and lotions

Go to a pharmacy. The pharmacist can recommend cooling and pain relieving creams, gels or lotions. Preparations with dexpanthenol (also as a spray) are often used. This vitamin precursor promotes wound healing. As an anti-inflammatory agent for milder sunburn, a cortisone preparation can be applied topically, for example as a cream or lotion.


Severe sunburn, what to do?

Severe or extensive sunburn must be treated as an inpatient. The doctor will prescribe medication for internal use, such as an infusion, for the patient. So-called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as diclofenac are particularly suitable. They are said to be more effective than internally applied cortisone. You should definitely see a doctor if the sunburn is accompanied by a high fever and severe headache. This could be due to heat stroke or sunstroke.


Immediately cure sunburn

Large areas of sunburn are painful and require treatment. Sunburn occurs when the skin is no longer able to convert the sun's rays into tan. Increasing and restoring this ability is the only real solution to the sunburn problem. The plant extract Tschamba Feeh (Original Tschamba Fii) has this effect to such an extent that sunburn is prevented immediately and a burn that has already occurred is converted into a tan and the skin heals at the same time. With Tschamba Feeh the pain disappears and you can sleep again for the night. The reddening of the skin is now transformed into tan, the lotion from Tschamba Feeh also cools down a bit. However, cells that have already died are no longer affected and the skin at this point will peel off. Here, Tschamba Feeh helps to detach the cells from the still healthy skin and to heal the skin underneath. Tschamba Feeh is helpful and comprehensive in all areas.